The Pattern: Machine Learning Natural Language Processing meets VR/AR

To fight ever-increasing complexity, The Pattern projects help find relevant knowledge using Artificial Intelligence and novel UX elements, all powered by Redis - new generation real time data fabric turned into knowledge fabric

Alexander Mikhalev published on
2 min, 376 words

To fight ever-increasing complexity, "The Pattern" projects help find relevant knowledge using Artificial Intelligence and novel UX elements, all powered by Redis - a new generation real-time data fabric turned into knowledge fabric

Overall repository for CORD19 medical NLP pipeline, API and UI, design and architecture.

Demo Video:

Demo Server (no persistance):

The challenge

The medical profession put a lot of effort into collaboration, starting from Latin as a common language to industry-wide thesauruses like UMLS. However, if full of scandals where publications in a prestigious journal would be retracted, and the World Health Organisation would change its policy advice based on the article. I think "paper claiming that eating a bat-like Pokémon sparked the spread of COVID-19" takes a prize. One would say that editors in those journals don't do their job, and while it may seem true, I would say they had no chance: with a number of publications about COVID (SARS-V) passing 300+ per day, we need better tools to navigate via such flow of information. When exploring science or engineering topics, I look at the diversity of the opinion, not the variety of the same cluster of words or the same thought. I want to avoid confirmation bias. I want to find articles relevant to the same concept, not necessarily the ones which have similar words. My focus is to build a natural language processing pipeline capable of handling a large number of documents and concepts, incorporating System 1 AI (fast, intuitive reasoning) and System 2 (high-level reasoning) and then present knowledge in a modern VR/AR visualisation. Search or rather information exploration should be spatial, preferably in VR (memory palace, see Theatre of Giulio Camillo). A force-directed graph is a path towards it, where visuals are assisted by text — relevant text pops up on the connection and where people explore the concepts and then dig deeper into the text. The purpose of the pipeline is that knowledge should be reusable and shareable.


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